Tuesday, September 1, 2009

CallCenterCrossing has about 2,700 Active Call Center Job Openings

CallCenterCrossing’s goal is to consolidate every single call center job opening in the United States (and internationally, eventually) on its website. By providing job seekers a “one-stop shop” for call center jobs, CallCenterCrossing believes it can save job seekers in the call center industry hundreds of hours of unnecessary research.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, customer service representatives held about 2.2 million jobs in 2006. About 23% of customer service representatives worked in finance and insurance. The largest numbers were employed by insurance carriers, insurance agencies and brokerages, banks, and credit unions. The future looks even brighter. Employment of customer service representatives is expected to increase 25% from 2006 to 2016. This occupation will have one of the largest numbers of new jobs, about 545,000 over the 2006-2016 projection period, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics reports.

“In this market it is extremely hard to get a job with a recruiter, and recruiters typically work with very few companies,” says Harrison Barnes, founder and CEO of CallCenterCrossing. “Job openings that are not widely known or publicized are the easiest jobs to get.”

CallCenterCrossing is a research company, and our job is to find every call center job out there for people in the call center industry,” adds Barnes. “We do not charge employers to post jobs with us, and we aggressively monitor the hiring needs of every customer service employer we can find. CallCenterCrossing is a service that I believe will change the call center industry and how people find jobs forever.”

According to Barnes, the most popular searches on the site have been:

* call center jobs

* call center employment

* call center manager jobs

* virtual call center jobs

* jobs in call center

* inbound call center jobs

* call center employment opportunities

* 911 call center employment

* at-home call center employment

* employment in call centers

* Chicago call center jobs

* medical call center jobs

* outbound call center jobs

* Houston call center jobs

* Atlanta call center jobs

* Michigan call center jobs

* San Diego call center jobs

As part of the site’s launch special, however, CallCenterCrossing is offering a free seven-day trial to allow job seekers to familiarize themselves with the service.

For More Information about CallCenterCrossing, please visit www.callcentercrossing.com.

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